Sunday, January 1, 2012

Christmas Tree 2011

On December 1, 2011, Davis County was hit by a big wind storm. We had wind gusts from 92 -100 MPH. Ben and I drove around to see the damage. There were downed power lines, fences, blown down Christmas decorations, lights, picnic tables and of course uprooted trees and concrete.

The first two years we were together, we cut pine trees out of the yard for Christmas trees; unfortunatley, last year, our Christmas tree came from the Home Depot. This year, we knew, we needed another great Christmas tree and a story to go along with it.

Setting the damage aside, we decided to capatilize on the poor pine trees. As we drove around Bountiful and Centerville, we ended up at Ben's work.

We found this beautiful pine tree. We were lucky enough to be able to have the property management team cut off the top few feet so Ben could bring it home for our Christmas tree. Lucky us!!

Welcome to our OWN Grizwald Family Christmas!!

We cut about a foot off the bottom. When we had it outside, it looked so small. But while we were getting it in the house and set-up...we realized, that Clark isn't joking when he is in bed and everything sticks to his hands.