Ben and I weren't going to put a tree this year because we still didn't have the house put together and a tree would be one more big mess to deal with. One Sunday we went to my parents house and after seeing their tree I just couldn't take it any longer...I had to have a tree.
The People that lived in Ben's house before they did planted two trees with the sole intention of one day making them Christmas trees. We decided that we would cut the first one down this year.
Ben and I got ready to go outside...there wasn't any snow on the ground yet; I still bundled up and I was still cold. Ben is a lot tougher than I am.
It didn't take long for Ben to cut down the tree with his handsaw. Just in case you wanted to know...yes a tree does make a sound when it falls.
Before we could take the tree in the house we had to get all the fall leaves out. Ben shook the tree with all his might. It really didn't make much of a difference. We had to stand the tree up and go through each branch combing out the leaves. We did learn something though...a fresh cut tree has extremely sharp needles. We had these little red welts all over our skin. Even though there were a lot of leaves left we decided it was time to take the tree in the house.
Have you ever seen the National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation? Well if you haven't here is a quick recap...Clark W. Griswold takes his family out to the middle of nowhere to cut down there own Christmas tree. They walk for miles and Audrey (the daughter) is FROZEN by the time they finally find the right tree. (Of course Clark forgets the chainsaw, but that is not the point). When they finally have it in the house it is all tied up with a rope and it is time to unveil the tree. Snip...wosh...the tree is so large it breaks out the windows and covers most of the living room...well that I we felt with our tree. It didn't break any windows but it was huge. We could barely get it through the front door and the two of us could hardly get it to stand up by itself.
After several hours of clean out leaves, stringing up lights placing decorations and trying to keep the tree straight we finally were finished!
Before Ben and I were married he always decorated his tree with U of U apparel. He has a U of U blanket that is used as a tree skirt, an strips of another blanket (they look like scarfs) strewn about the tree, red balls, and red and white lights as well. The tree topper...he uses a U of U Hat with a button that says U and Me!. Ben loves his decorations and I like a little bit more traditional look...we decided to let Ben decorate this year. It turned out that the U of U went 13 - 0 and beat OK in a bowl game. Ben was glad his tree was decorated appropriately for the viewing event.
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